28 October 2008

Antarctic Happenings

We've made it a week without injuring or sending home another firefighter. That, my friends, makes it a good week. It's been prettying interesting so far this past week. There's been a lot of activity at Pegasus Airfield recently. The last C-17 that had landed here on Monday had a malfunctioning computer that grounded it out at the airfield for a few days. Fortunately we weren't forced to spend the night out at the airfield to babysit it while parts were found and delivered to McMurdo from New Zealand. Today, a Kiwi P-3 Orion, the same 4 engine turbo-prop used in wildland firefighting as heavy air tankers, brought down the replacement computer for the brokedown C-17. The Bassler and the two Twin Otters operated by Kenn Borek Air, Ltd have been hanging out at Pegasus while Williams Field is in preparation to open at the end of this week. Monday saw the arrival of the Italian Passengeres heading over to their base in Terra Nova Bay. This week also marks the arrival of a South African C-130 That may be heading over to Davis Station, run by the Australians, for a Medevac almost 3 weeks in the making. As it was put to me by some of the more senior members in the McMurdo community, a major undertaking like this medevac for one person usually brings other bases/countries out of the woodwork who are looking for medical evacuations for their own people. So speaking along the terms of rumors, it looks like the Russians (after a fire that killed one person and severely burnt two others) are looking to medevac a couple people and maybe the Chinese but as of right now that's highly speculated considering the source of that information. It's amazing how many different countries we work with down here. Hopefully it will stay this interesting for the rest of the season considering it's only the beginning...

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