18 January 2008

Shock to the Senses

Today I found out that my deposit for Wilderness EMT was accepted by NOLS which means I'm somewhat officially enrolled in the class. So now all I can do is pray that I'll have enough money to drive across country, feed myself for 2 months, and keep myself from going insane. Today I also handed in my redeployment paperwork which sorta confirms the days I leave the continent and leave New Zealand for home. There are a lot of things I miss that I can't wait to experience. I miss the night. I miss the dark. I haven't seen stars, twilight, dusk, dawn, or anything since October 5th. I miss the smells of the outdoors. The only smells I ever smell down here is diesel or food being cooked. I miss the smell of grass, the smell of rain, the smell of garbage even. I miss green. I miss warmth. Going back to New Zealand after being down here for 5 months will definitely be a shock to the senses.

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