09 November 2008

Fire, The Weekend, School, Work

Today is day 3 of 5 spent away from the trials and tribulations experienced during the peak hours of the Antarctic Fire Department. On top of my normal Saturday Kelly Day I have tryouts again for the Joint Antarctic Search and Rescue Team tomorrow. Considering I didn't make it last year, I'm hoping this year will be different. The weekend has been fun for me. Friday night we had a fire and major hazardous materials incident in one of our science research facilities. I can't go into any more detail than that because the official report has yet to be released but all I can say is it was a major incident for us. Yesterday I spent my afternoon in Snow Craft and Sea Ice refresher classes. Asides from the fire on Friday the weekend has been pretty slow. I've spent a lot of it thinking about school, work, and home for after the 2009 fire season. With everything I've done in the past couple years, I'm hoping my resume proves exotic enough for the employers I'm looking at. Oh well...

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