11 March 2007

Kicking The Bucket

I find myself more and more researching things to do with my life. I have the applications out to various wildland firefighting jobs througout the country. I'm looking at different schools that have decent online programs of study. I'm looking at Avalanche Technician jobs as well as other winter seasonal jobs. I'm looking at wildland firefighting in Canada. I'm looking at structural firefighting jobs in different areas throughout the country. I'm looking at different countries to travel to to kayak or to climb. I really don't know what the hell I'm going to do. I guess that's what makes all of this exciting, wondering where I'm going to be or where I've been on Dec. 31st of this year. One thing's for sure that whatever I'm going to do, I'm going to need more money than I currently have which means I'm going to have to find a better paying job.
Today wasn't too bad. Luckily I didn't have too many calls after the one gas leak I ran at the end of the night before because I was up at about 9 to go see a movie at 11:20. If there's one thing I can say is that Samuel L. Jackson definitely made up for Snakes on a Plane with Black Snake Moan. On my way home, I started thinking about different undergraduate routes I could take. I'm liking the idea of a Forestry or Agriculture degree. When I started thinking about more, I started to think about more subjects which I'd like to study (meteorology, emergency medicine, foreign languages, etc.) I don't know. You only live for so long and I sometimes wonder how much I'll be able to accomplish before I kick the bucket.

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