10 March 2007

The First Post

I guess the premise of this journal would be a good start. For a while, I've been growing more and more tired of living in the same area and I've been itching to get away for a while. Don't get me wrong, though: I love this area. I thank God that I've had the chance to grow up in this area, experience the things I have experienced, and meet the people (some of them) I have me. There is more to the world than the D.C. area has to offer, however, and I feel it's time to see what I can do. Whereever I go, I need to do something that I'm going to enjoy. I just can't work in an office. I'd get too bored with that. I need to do something fire & rescue related. So far, I have been applying to become a wildland firefighter out west for the summer, and a contract firefighter for Raytheon Polar Services in Antarctica for the winter (northern hemisphere winter to clarify things). I've put in over 80 applications in so far for various positions in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Montanna, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and I'm thinking about North and South Dakota as well. Now, some people think I'm nuts. Maybe it is. All I know is, I'm excited thinking about it. I can't wait for late May to come because if I get hired, I'm packing my climbing and backpacking gear, a few books, magazines, clothes, and my wildland gear all in my Xterra, and driving to whereever I may get hired (even if it is Alaska, that'd be one hell of a road trip). I have a friend who I haven't talked to in a while. She once told me that "[I] didn't belong here." It took a while to sink in but I'm starting to feel it now. As long as I have a camera, and access to this journal, I'm sure it'll be worth it and I'll be able to keep in touch with some of you.

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