07 October 2010

A New Approach

It's been a couple months since I last posted. Laziness can be an evil snare. During my hiatus I was discussing my blog with a friend of mine who's a poly sci major at Catholic University and an intern at a pretty reputable online media source. My friend is an avid writer both due to her course load and her recreational writing. She suggested that I write sometimes just for the sake of writing and not necessarily just because something major or interesting happened in my life. I had start to do that a little but I definitely don't write as much as I should considering how much I enjoy it which is the important thing. Another thing I kick myself for is not writing about a lot of the adventures I've manage to land myself in. So here's what I'm going to do. I'll write about my feelings and my interpretations one the events to which I'm exposed through out my day to day (or more realistically week to week) life. I'm going to write about the dumb things I do on a regular basis. I'll write about some of the more interesting adventures I wind up on as well. I'll even fill readers in on stories from the past few years that I've neglected to post here once or twice a week. I use the word readers as if I have scores of people jonesing for a hit on an RSS feed from tmbevans.blogspot.com. To be honest, I'm happy to share my experiences with those that wish to listen to me or actually care and want to hear about what I do throughout my day to day life but in all honesty I write this blog for myself. This is my digital diary. If someone doesn't like my blog google is only a few keystrokes away. Anyways, I digress. I hope to transform my blog into a more fluid one. Feel free to give me feedback on my writing.

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