27 April 2009

The Last Leg of the Cross-Country Trip

Denver to Boise is not an easy drive. Exciting for me considering I have never driven I-80 across the Rockies, but still pretty mundane and rough none the less. My drive in Wyoming started in dense fog with 30 to 40 feet of visibility for about 50 miles. Talk about scary! Trucks and cars appear right in front of you like ghosts! Hairpin turns appear within enough time to scare you into thinking you're going to roll your vehicle as you caterpault yourself back into your lane as you negotiate the turn.

From Zion Helitack 2009

Because the fog occured in the highest part of I-80 in Wyoming, my excitement slowly departed as I entered back into the ranchland's of most of the I-80 corridor. The most exciting part was my car reaching 100,000 miles since it's 1250 when I first got it in 2004!

Utah was amazing to drive through. I love the mountains of the northern part of the state. I spent most of the driving spotting lines to ski and ridges to climb. Too bad SW Utah didn't get snow or mountains like these...Anyways, these mountains soon faded into the flatness that makes up some of souther Idaho as well as the boredom that plagues the drive from the Utah border to Boise. I managed to pull into Boise near 2300, blood-shot and exhausted. I think I slept for a total of 11 hours last night.

From Zion Helitack 2009

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