The best part about the entire trip was that I didn't see a single person. I did how ever see several rattlesnakes in my campground:

As usual, I did this trip alone. Some people think it's foolish to backpack alone...especially miles in to a desert canyon bottom but I prefer the solitude. I like the time I get to think to myself....or not think at all and revel in the silence and the experience of nature and the land around me. I made it to my campsite around 1900 after 4 hours of hiking.
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I sat in the shade and listened to the creek and the falls next to my campsite, set up my tent and started cooking my dinner. I went to bed rather early with the intention of waking up at 5 to make it to my car before 1100 to beat the heat and to salvage the latter half of the day. I cooked breakfast in the dark (which was somehow pretty soothing and relaxing), packed up and hit the trail by 0700.

The rest of the day was spent lazing around the house. I did some laundry, red a few books, and really didn't do much else. Since September is getting closer I've been thinking and planning more and more for my post-Antarctic plans...primarily traveling to Africa before I come home. The logistics of packing and having my climbing stuff with me will be interesting. I still have a lot of planning to do. The rest of my Wednesday night was spent on the internet and reading Dr Seuss to Anna over the phone. All in all, a pretty good break.
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