Shortly after my Amateur Radio license test, I decided to go to Walmart to do some much needed shopping. If there's one thing I've learned after living in Winchester for 6 months and working in Fauquier County for a year its knowing that Walmart will always be a source of entertainment no matter what time of the day or year it is. No more than 20 minutes after walking through the door, I got to witness a fight (a domestic dispute if you will) between a man and his wife. When I say fight, I mean just that: profanity and fists flying left and right. Sad, I know....albeit funny. After watching that for about 30 seconds I continued shopping. I made it to the check-out line only to watch yet another verbal altercation take place....this time it was between an irate mother and this poor unsuspecting soul behind the customer service desk. She was complaining that she bought a movie thinking that it was a kids movie when in fact it was a "farce" of that movie....an incredibly raucous farce directed by Bob Saget and narrated by Samuel L. Jackson...needless to say you can already tell this wasn't a movie made for kids. And let me tell you this folks that this woman was highly offended by the content of the movie. Naturally, I had to find this movie and investigate. After reading the cover, I had to buy the movie. If one thing's for sure, I've never laughed my ass off soo hard at a movie before. I should worn you, however, that this movie can elicit one of three opinions: one of sheer stupidity, one of sheer hilarity, or one of sheer offense. Needless to say, I highly recommend you at least rent this movie.
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