21 May 2007

Last Night In Town

T-Minus 6 hours and counting and I can't sleep. Damn, I hate being excited :-). I'm packed and ready to go. The open house actually went pretty well. I don't think I've ever said good-bye to that many people before. I've moved before but this is the first time I've moved incredibly far away from the area. I have a lot of email addresses I'm going to have to remember or store. I saw Lindsay today for the last time as well as my relatives. It my relatives being here for me to realize how hard this is going to be for my mom. I love her to death but I can't just stay here. My imagination is too vivid and my appetite for experiencing new places is insatiable. Well, I better get some sleep. I have 11 hours of driving before me tomorrow. Take care all of you and be safe....

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