With complete boredom as my inspiration, I created a rather lengthy to-do list while sitting in a all-hands meeting in
the park. A lot of it revolves around budget(s) for the summer, car maintenance, climbing stuff, things I want to research or look up because of interest (not necessarily out of necessity...), and a few other things. Most of my to-do list revolves around my deployment down to
Antarctica. I'm starting to feel like a seasoned traveler because of all of the things I learned from last year/earlier this year (some I learned the
hard way). The one thing I learned is plan a hell of a lot earlier than I did last year. I didn't start packing or even thinking about packing until about a week before I left. Surprisingly, I didn't do too bad of a job. This year, however, I'm trying to do a few other things after I get off the ice. I'm still looking to go to
Morocco after my deployment. So far the only trip the guide company I've been looking at is offering starts on the 28th
in Marrakech...3 days after my scheduled redeployment date back into the real world. Granted, I was scheduled for a 28 Feb earlier this year and I ended up getting scheduled for a 19 Feb redeployment date with an actual date of the 21st, I'm still hoping for a little more time in between redeploying to
Christchurch before heading off to Morocco. Anyways, I beginning to plan this all out now so I won't have any logistical surprises come September.
This week so far at work has been pretty good. I spent another day at the park yesterday doing some required first aid training and attending an all-hands meeting. Even though we [
Zion Helitack] aren't stationed
in the park, just coming down into park and looking around...especially from our training site(s), is pretty awe-inspiring.

I mean, I'm not just a tourist or a visitor paying to come to the park...I
work there. I get paid to not only drive into the park for various tasks, I get paid to
fly over it as well.
The ship comes on next Monday. Unfortunately, I won't be working Monday and I'll be in a class from Tuesday till Friday. I did, however, almost make it on the
Potosi Fire right outside of
Las Vegas. I'm assuming they got the fire under control because I'm sitting here writing this post. Regardless, with all this excitement right now and the excitement to come this summer and fall, I'm pretty restless right now...